Earn with us

Idle compute power from individuals and communities is a crucial component of the ClustroAI ecosystem. Our architecture is designed with an optimized workflow to make it easy for anyone to contribute their unused computational resources.

Revenue Sharing

Most of the income generated from these compute tasks is returned to the contributing workers. ClustroAI only takes a small cut—no more than 20%—to cover operational costs.

Steps to Join ClustroAI's Compute Platform:


  1. Docker Installation: Your machine needs to have Docker installed. Follow the official Docker installation guide based on your OS:

  2. NVIDIA Drivers: Your computer should have NVIDIA drivers with CUDA 11.6 or above. You can check this by running nvidia-smi.

Joining Steps:

  1. Register on ClustroAI: Go to console.clustro.ai and register as a user to obtain an API key.

  2. Run ClustroAI's Docker Container: Open your terminal and execute the following command, replacing ${API_KEY} with your actual API key:

    docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash \
        --gpus all -e CLUSTROAI_API_KEY=${API_KEY} clustroai/worker-base:latest
  3. Start Contributing: After that, you can either continue using your machine or leave it idle. Our worker container will automatically connect to the server, fetch tasks, deploy models, and execute inference tasks.


As ClustroAI is in its beta phase, the payment rates will be determined in the future.

By following these simple steps, you can easily become part of the ClustroAI ecosystem and contribute to a range of computational tasks.

Last updated